Side Effects on Some Programs

Almost none of my internet application work. My Outlook Express 6 does not work at all with the A4 on. and my Human Click which is a chat software through my website does not work at all neither when I have the proxy on. On the top of this, sometimes my computer starts in safe mode since I have installed the software and sometimes it does not shut down. I have to shut it off manually. Now, I used to work on a computer with the A4 installed on it and I never did have a problem. So I presume that it has to do something with the configuration I made to it.

From the point of view of your computer, A4Proxy is something like a web browser actually. A4Proxy doesn’t change any hardware drivers, nor does it add its own. It doesn’t change any settings of any other software. All it requires is that you change the proxy settings in your browser to point to A4Proxy, i.e. to

However, if your main browser is Internet Explorer, it may have its complications: some programs use the IE engine to access the Internet so if those programs don’t like working through A4Proxy, they might fail.

A solution could be to install a different web browser to use with A4Proxy, e.g. Opera or Netscape (there are hardly any third-party programs using those browsers’ engines). Then you remove the A4Proxy settings from IE and use it for non-anonymous work and third-party programs.